OC Parks Refuses to Complete “Mountains to Sea” Bikeway

Update (May 3): Some Orange County Parks Commission meetings have been cancelled, and now the next meeting on this issue is on May 21. OC Public Works will hear public input on a plan to bypass Peter’s Canyon with Class 2 bike lanes. OCBC will attend the meeting and present serious concerns with these plans. Get the latest news on the OCBC Facebook page.

The County of Orange is ignoring the Master Plan of Bikeways and abandoning completion of the “Mountains to the Sea” Regional Class 1 Bikeway from Upper Newport Bay to Irvine Park.

This off-street Class 1 Bikeway has been on the County plans since the early 1970s. In keeping with that plan, Tustin has built a great bikeway and trail to the south end of Peters Canyon, and Orange has built a three lane multi-use side path from Irvine Park to the north end of Peters Canyon. Without a Class 1 Bikeway through Peters Canyon Regional Park there will be a gaping hole in what could be a great path from the mountains of Orange County to the sea.

In refusing to complete the missing segment through Peters Canyon Regional Park the County is denying access to cyclists, skaters, runners, wheelchair users, parents with baby strollers and people with mobility challenges from accessing a regional park that by definition should be serving ALL citizens of Orange County. The Parks Commission is proposing to bypass Peters Canyon and put everyone off the existing Master Planned Class I Bikeway corridor onto Class II bike lanes alongside steep, busy roadways UP Pioneer & over the summit of Jamboree on a widened side walk.

County staff will present this plan to the OC Parks Commission with an agenda to recommend it to the Board of Supervisors for final action. They have held several ‘workshops’ focused largely on local residents who oppose any change in ‘their’ park. County staff has not asked anyone at other Regional Parks, much less any cyclists who actually use the Regional Parks Connector Bikeway, for their input.

The Orange County Bicycle Coalition is working to see the the Regional Parks Connector Bikeway between Tustin and Orange completed.

We have been at this issue for years, and the NIMBYs are winning. We NEED cyclists and other bikeway users to support our efforts so everyone who uses the “Mountains to the Sea” bikeway will not be dumped onto steep street traffic. We will post regular updates on this website as well on the OCBC Facebook page.

The Mission of the Orange County Bicycle Coalition is to promote bicycling as an everyday means of transportation and recreation. Join the OCBC Today!

National Bike Month Events

May 14 8:30 – Caltrans has a Bike to Work Day Ride in Irvine. Click on the graphic below for details.


May 15 6:00 pm – Annual Ride of Silence – City of Orange Civic Center. More information is on the ride’s Facebook page.

May 16th 7:30 am – 10:00am OCTA is hosting their annual Bike Rally. After a 3-mile ride, there will have snacks, a raffle and some guest speakers. On the OCTA website you can make a pledge and win prizes or track your miles. There’s even an employer resource kit. Check out the OCTA Bike Month web page.

Who’s getting shut out of Peters Canyon?

Families with kids, casual cruisers, recreational riders from other communities are effectively denied access today.

Families with kids, casual cruisers, recreational riders from other communities are effectively denied access today.

While we hear a lot of fervent language about marauding mountain bikers– a subset of the larger mountain biking community– what’s lost on the Anti Crowd is the fact that the vast majority of bicyclists are neither marauders nor mountain bikers. They are average OC citizens who use bicycles of all types for affordable recreation, health, and transportation.


This lady look dangerous to you? She’s just looking for a quiet place to ride.

The long awaited Class 1 trail through the Canyon is intended to link the Park with other communities, other parks, and other useful destinations. It will connect Santiago Canyon College with UCI for instance, Santiago Canyon Rd. to the Tustin Metrolink, Anaheim Hills to Newport’s Back Bay. Kids, couples, retirees, friends out for a day’s adventure, all are attracted to a safe, engineered, well paved path away from car traffic and noise.


He’s not into rutted dirt and the mud that comes after it rains. Not to mention the dust that gets thrown into Junior’s face off his back tire.

Until the 1980s what bicyclists sought was a predictable solid surface to ride on. Then came mountain bikes, and guess what? They like to ride in the dirt. And we hear from mountain bikers in the Anti crowd who prefer to share Peters’ well worn trails with walkers, runners, and horseback riders.

But how do the majority of Antis feel about that? Apparently not too good. The comments we read talk about an overcrowded park and the “danger” of “high speed” bicyclists– by which they mean mountain bikers– whizzing by on Peters’ busy trails.

Why then, we wonder, would the Anti’s oppose a paved trail which would attract many, if not most of those very same mountain bikers? Because here’s something we’re convinced of: the majority of mountain bikers on the main trail today are just passin’ through. And if it means getting to the real trails, the single track, the hidden “toys,” the gnarly downhills some place else (say, Santiago Oaks) faster, a lot of them will hop on the pavement.

Peters Canyon Progress? – maybe

We owe readers an update on the effort to save the long-planned Class 1 trail through the Peters Canyon drainage. Here’s a synopsis to date:

While road cyclists have been traversing the Irvine Ranch roads through the canyon since the 1960s– before the advent of mountain bikes– there was no mention of official access until Orange County Flood Control included the main dirt road and path in its plans to provide a paved Class 1 mult-use trail in the 1980s.

Pavement Ends, lower Peters Canyon.

Pavement Ends, lower Peters Canyon.

A few years ago Orange County Beaches and Parks took over most Class 1 trails, existing and planned, from Flood Control. And the plan for the Class 1 was included in that agency’s development of Peters Canyon Regional Park.

From the bicyclist perspective everything was fine until this spring when those plans came to light at public input meetings held by Parks. Immediately inflamatory articles appeared in neighborhood newpapers around the Park reflecting the fears of local walkers and equestrians that hoards of “high speed bicyclists” would be hurtling down the pavement “at 35 mph.”

“Don’t pave Peters Canyon,” and “let them ride on Jamboree” seemed the sentiment of those opposing the multi-use trail.


Private park access for a privileged few.

While such statements are NIMBY and bigoted, Peters Canyon’s value as an island of undeveloped land in a sea of suburbia cannot be denied. While a Regional Park, the majority of users come from the surrounding communities, many walking in from public parking areas or via private trails from adjacent gated neighborhoods.

The Park’s dusty trails are well trampled, some quite eroded by heavy use. And while the whine of gardeners’ leaf blowers and mowers, the coming and going of residents’ cars on the adjacent road belies any “wilderness” claims, the Park is for the most part tranquil. The northern reservoir fosters a willow and sycamore nesting habitat for a variety of birds, spring and fall it provides stop-over for migrating waterfowl.

The southern end of the canyon is dominated by a catch basin bounded on the east by a paved service road. A dirt road continues north from there over the upper dam where it once connected with Jamboree Rd.

The plans Flood Control originally proposed amounted to rolling asphalt over that main service road/ foot path. Today that would not be acceptable. Whatever plan is ultimately adopted, the rural experience of the Park for pedestrians and equestrians has to be respected.


Viewshed encroachment and invasion of non-native plants betray claims of “wilderness” in Peters Canyon.

Until three weeks ago the only voices weighing in were from those groups. And it’s understandable that they don’t want to share. But mid July we attended the OCTA Board Meeting and spoke in defense of the Class 1 trail, which is part of that agency’s Master Plan of Commuter Bikeways. Supervisor Todd Spitzer seemed surprised that anyone would choose that time and place to defend county plans to connect the Mountains to the Sea Trail, but there we were.


Plenty of room for a Class 1 trail separated from pedestrians and equestrians, and screened by vegetation.

As a result on July 28 a small delegation representing voters and park users from outside this community got 40 minutes from Supervisor Todd Spitzer’s Policy Advisor, Carrie O’Malley. Bruce Bauer, attorney representing the “Heart of OC” bicycle loop, OCBC Board Member Brian Cox, and well known transportation advocate, Brenda Miller made a rational case for promoting non-motorized transportation alternatives, the value of connectivity to existing segments of the Peters Canyon Trail, and equity and access for diverse user groups of our Regional Parks.

Will it impress the Supervisor? Time will tell, but we are at last being heard. At this point that’s progress, indeed.