November, 2012 – For the latest promotion and discount offers, go here.
March, 2012 – Metrolink is adding 13 new bicycle cars on selected trains! Bicycle cars are identified by a yellow “Bicycle Car” decal on the side of the train or bicycle train wrap. Train line and more information is on the OCTA Bikecars webpage, or from Metrolink.
January, 2011 – OCBC attended the media event revealing the railroad’s new rolling stock. The Korean made “safety” cars bring needed new capacity to the commuter service and free up older units for refurbishing. We’re discussing modifications that would put 30 to 40 bicycles aboard the lower level of renovated cars while accommodating bicyclists on the top. Similar coaches are in service in the Bay Area already, and Metrolink managers are open to the idea, pending funding.
New cars carry 4 bikes each for a total of 12 per train. Secure your bike per “The Memo,” below. Every rider needs a bungie or web strap to secure their own bike.
Founded in 1991, Metrolink carries over 40,000 passengers boarding at 55 stations, on trains running on 7 routes. The Orange County line is owned and maintained by Metrolink.
Yes, people do ride the train— about 7,000 OC passengers a day in fact keeping more that 6,000 cars off the freeways. They ride it a long way, too: 90% of passengers are commuters with an average trip length of 39 miles. Good thing over 90% of Orange County’s trains run on time.

Proof: 4 bikes– a BMX, commuter/road, mountain, and full-on road– properly stacked in the bike area.
May, 2010 – Bicycle capacity on OC Metrolink trains is increased from two to between 4 and 8 bikes per car— depending on how the car has been modified.
OCBC lobbied Metrolink last year for the increase, pointing out that the area designated for 2 bikes would easily hold 3 or 4, provided they were stacked left/right, that is “handlebars to seat.” Additional space is now available where a bench seat has been removed just inside the doors of cars marked with the Bike decal. Today it’s common to see 6 or 7 bikes in a car on busy trains in the morning.
1.) Try to organize bikes in the stack according to destinations.
2.) Stack bikes left/right, handlebars to seat.
3.) Bring YOUR OWN bungie or strap to secure your bike. No loose bikes!
4.) Free up your bike before your stop to expedite detraining.
5.) Let the pedestrians get on/off first so they’re out of your way.
Metrolink site, click the map.
OC weekday schedule
OC Sat. and Sun. schedule