Contact your national and local officials to let them know how you feel about bicycling, complete streets, and safe routes to school issues in your area.
National: To follow a bill’s progress at the national level, or to see what your Senators and Representatives are up to, ask Thomas! This site is pretty comprehensive with all sorts of tools to quickly get the information you need.
Another site that provides national information is GovTrack.
The League of American Bicyclists has a comprehensive legislator locator page here.
Additionally there are a number of tools to monitor legislation at the national level with the League’s stand (for or against) each issue.
State: A handy site to find your state legislators by entering your zip code is here.
A list of Senators and Assembly members will be presented with their local and state office addresses and phone #s… also links to their respective websites – except I kept getting page not found.
So – you could use this link to figure out what district you’re in, and who your legislators are, then go to the following sites to see their picture, web contact, and their home page info.
State Senate State Assembly
Another great resource is the California Legislative Information site.
Codes, Laws, and Regulations:
2012 California Vehicle Code Table of Contents: Sections relating to bicycles are 21200 through 21212, and sections 39001 through 30012, This link will direct you to the table of contents for the Vehicle Code, once there you can click on the section of your interest.
California Streets and Highways Code: Sections relating to bicycles are 890 through 894.2. This link will direct you to the table of contents for the Streets and Highways Code, once there you can click on the section of your interest.
Caltrans: District12 Bicycle & Pedestrian Program Contacts
County: Find and contact your County Supervisor here.
Orange County Transportation Authority