Here’s your chance to provide input and voice your concerns to Caltrans regarding the creation of safety design criteria for Class IV “Protected” Bikeways.
The Protected Bikeways Act of 2014 (Assembly Bill 1193 – Ting, Chapter 495) requires the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), in cooperation with local agencies and in consultation with the existing advisory committee of the department dedicated to improve access for persons with disabilities, to establish minimum safety design criteria for Class IV Bikeways, also referred to as cycle tracks or separated bikeways.
A Class IV Bikeway Summit will be held on Wednesday, May 27, 2015 in Sacramento. The Summit will be an all-day event to gather input from a wide cross-section of our external transportation partners and stakeholders interested in improving transportation in California. The purpose and goal for the Summit is to obtain preliminary input to help identify pertinent issues, concerns and recommendations relative to content, style and format of the design and traffic operations guidance which is to be published by January 1, 2016.
A survey has been developed in order to gather input to further develop the Summit and to obtain interest in attendance. Filling out the survey will help Caltrans gain a better understanding of the issues and topics related to the development and publishing of Class IV Bikeway guidance.
Please fill out the survey and voice your concerns:
Responses to the survey are requested by the close of business on Monday April 27, 2015.