Blow the Whistle on It!

You can take direct action to resolve hazardous conditions.

– CALTRANS, Orange County – officially District 12, want to hear from you about problems on State Highways, which includes freeways and tollways, on and off ramp interchanges, Hwy 1/ Pacific Coast Highway, Hwy 91, Hwy 39, Hwy 90 (Imperial Hwy), Hwy 142 (Carbon Cyn), and Hwy 74 (Ortega Hwy).

We’re compiling a list and will prioritize based on number of complaints.

– CALTRANS Road Repair –for PCH (Hwy 1), Beach Blvd. (Hwy 39) or other State highways
Call: 949 936 3600 or go online and submit a Maintenance Request.

For a complete list of city and county contacts please see our Street Repair page in the Resources section.

Please complete the follow 8 survey questions providing as much detail as possible.
After the last question, you will be asked to optionally provide your contact info.
If you don’t want to be contacted, just click on the submit button and your survey is complete!

Thank you for Blowing the Whistle on it!