Santa Ana River Trail – Delays/Suggested Alternate Routes – May 3, 2015

Dear Santa Ana River Trail Users,

The OC Marathon is coming up on Sunday, May 3, 2015.  Approximately 1.5 miles of the marathon route takes place on the Santa Ana River Trail, on the east side of the trail between Segerstrom and Gisler.   Approximately 2,200 runners will be using the trail and we expect congestion and delays.

We have suggested detours listed below as well as a map showing the affected areas.  Affected times is approximately 5:30 am – 12:00 noon.



Santa Ana River Trail Suggested Detour
Sunday, May 3, 2015 5:30 am – 12:00 pm
Approximately 1.5 miles of The OC Marathon full marathon course takes place on the east side of the Santa Ana River Trail,  from Segerstrom to Gisler.Area to Avoid:
– We suggest avoiding the bikeway on the East side of the Santa Ana River Trail, between Segerstrom and Gisler, as the route will be very crowded.Suggested Routes:
We suggest all cyclists, buggies, pedestrians, etc to use the west side of the trail, which is a compacted dirt surface.
– Southbound  –  you can transfer to the west side of the trail at Segerstrom, and then transfer back to the east side at the footbride at Fairview Park.
– Northbound – head north on the east side until Victoria OR until the footbridge at Fairview Park (just south of Adams), where you can easily transfer to the west side.   Then continue on the west side of the trail until you reach Segerstrom, and you can transfer back over to the east side.

Please feel free to pass this along to other users you may know might need this information.

Thank you for your support! 

Kristin Llorente
OC Marathon Traffic/Community Coordinator

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